Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Confession Time

Pull up a pew and feel free to off load.......shall I share some confessions with you first?

Firstly.........I do love my gin, my pink fizz and my pinot. I think you knew that though.

OK, secondly, today I bought the new Will Young album - I know! Pretty cringy but I have to confess I adore him.

Thirdly, I have a crush on Chris Evans - I just adore him. He is what I would term as a 'sexy minger'. You really shouldn't fancy him but you cant help yourself. I also have a soft spot for Brendan Cole, Owen Wilson and Benedict Cumberbund (Sherlock Holmes). Please feel free to confess your own dodgy crushes!

Fourth confession - I NEVER brush my hair....oh, you could tell? OK, OK!! I get out the shower and thats me done. (JohnD I know you will say you do much the same too!!)

Fifth - I sometimes go to bed without taking my make-up off!

Six - I Sky+ Jeremy Kyle. He is my guilty pleasure. I loathe him and he infuriates me but,..........(and NO, he doesnt make it onto the sexy minger list - he is pure minger, to me)

OK - so feel free to unsubscribe to me! Those are just a few......

Time for dinner, oh and some pink fizz. Well, it is nearly the weekend, kind of!

PS - the Blip is of the big lightshade we have in one of the bedrooms

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