Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Problem Solving 101

The topic of the day...What to do with an impasse?

You know, you look at the facts, think them through over and over again, but you keep running into the same dead end, not once, not twice, but too many times to count.

The items on this table never moved, with the exception of a coffee cup that was set in place while I snapped a few photos. The only thing that changed was me. I moved around the table quickly snapping photos, flash on, flash off. Then I changed the look of the images by editing, but the basic facts, the items on the table did not change.

~When everything else remains constant, and the others don't/won't change, the only thing I can change is me.

Every photo I had taken felt chaotic. Perhaps your eye would see it differently, but it wasn't until I moved behind the bouquet and let the camera's eye look past it, with the chairs providing a little bit of boundary to the shot, that there seemed to be order. Moving behind the bouquet was the least obvious solution to this puzzle for me. It was a last ditch effort really. The thing I would have overlooked.

The whole experience fit the topic of the day, and they have come together in a little marriage. Another problem solved. Ta da!

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