Wisdom Begins In Wonder

By bobzilla

It's about the story not the photo

On the 17th May 2009 just after visiting time finished my wife gave birth to our fourth child. As with all birth stories men tell they usually leave out what happens afterwards but this one needs telling.

Not long after the placenta was delivered Vonnie in an exhausted stupor declared that I had to take it home with me and plant it under the cherry tree we had bought just days before. The midwife was a bit taken aback by the situation but as I explained that we were 'getting work done in the garden' so digging down the 6 foot legally required to dispose of bits of people wasn't a problem.

She came back with it double wrapped in plastic bags and my father in law graciously shook his head as I sat down in the car for my lift home and didn't ask any questions. I kept it in the fridge for a few days until one morning Vonnie woke up laughing as she vaguely remembered asking me to bring it home and demanded to know where it was.

We planted the tree that day after I dug a hole three feet deep to put it in. It stayed there flowering away minding it's own business until today when I dig it up to move to the new house.

We also lifted the six strawberry plants of Erica's. Somehow over the last year the six plants have turned into 32 plants though so it's strawberries all round next year I think!

I should possibly also add I've never managed more that 28 days continuous with a photoblog before and for that I sort of cheated for the last five days so 31 days is a bit of a milestone by itself for me! :)

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