
By Ilaria

Advice sought!!

Hi folks....seeking advice today!! This maybe isn't the best choice of subject, it's taken indoors at a window because it's pouring rain...BUT...this was taken with a new telephoto lens. Actually the one I returned to the shop for them to have a look at!! It's now back with me, and I'm still not convinced it's as sharp as I'd like!!!!!!! Maybe I'm being fussy.....but I'm disappointed!!

What do folk think!!

Btw...this was a bottle of ROOT BEER....tasted like mouthwash...AWFUL!!!!! Lol!!!


Here is a better example of the detail the lens shoots....I desperately wanted a lens that would capture some bird detail, i.e feather details!! I'd be quite close to the birds at the local RSPB...and my compact did quite well. Not sure about this lens though!!

!!! Sorry about the actual subject!!! Lol!!!

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