I'm Trying..!

By jessmcclean176

Mum, Dad, I may be bringing some little friends ho

So today was my first day at work and it was lovely. I was reeeeeeally nervous about it this morning but everyone is really lovely! During one of my breaks I got to try Matè which was cool, and actually very yummy..my favourite part was the cup though, I nay be bringing one home for my tea haha! So some of the people who work there speak English and some of them don't and I was super nervous about my Spanish so didn't really try it at the beginning of the day but by this evening one of the guys had me chatting away about home, school and even snakes! I did need some help with the snakey words though. Excited for tomorrow now! Oh and the picture is of four little chihuahua puppies, they're so tiny it hurts a little.

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