Today I will mostly be ..

By Moorestone

... Cleaning out my closet.

I have a cupboard in my bedroom, in which I have attempted to stuff everything, and anything that won't fit sits outside in a pile. This would probably be fine, if Hubba and I didn't live in a one bedroom flat that we out grew of at least two years ago.

As we can't afford to move, space is of a premium, and when I went to find a needle in the cupboard today, it Mother Hubbarded me and a heap of stuff fell out. As I looked at the pile (which fell onto the existing pile) I realised that the majority of this cupboard debris had been unused in the past 12 months. So in a flurry of belated spring cleaning, I grabbed some black bags and began ditching, dumping and detaining.

Seven hours later, the exterior pile has gone, the cupboard door closes and hallway has one bag of trash, one bag of clothes and a pile of paper for recycling. Not a bad afternoon's work, shame there are four more cupboards in my home that could do with the same treatment.

P.S. The muppets made it back into the cupboard

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