Recently I read a tip from two different photographers suggesting I (or any photographer, for that matter) could get out of a rut and learn to take better pictures by choosing one lens and sticking with it for a week. By exploring the possibilities of the lens, the photographer blipper challenges herself to try new angles, new focal lengths (by moving closer or farther away), etc. That seemed like a good idea for me because I blip almost exclusively with my 70-300mm lens, and I am definitely in a rut. So today I went to the Arboretum, taking only my 50mm 1.8 prime. If I am going to stick with that lens for a whole week, it will definitely be a challenge. So I'm off on the challenge-of-the-week, i.e. learning the possibilities of my 50 mm lens, which I rarely use. I hope you will come along. All feedback and suggestions are appreciated.

There were other tips to try, but I'm saving those for future weeks. I'll let you know what the next one will be when next week rolls around.

Weather report: Cool (barely 70 degrees) and rainy. Speaking of challenges, the bee I blipped was finding it a challenge to fly in the wet weather.

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