Rahu Saddle

Today I had to deliver young Sebastian to his mother at Maruia Springs. It made sense to turn the trip into a blip drive so I picked up Kiwilizzie and took her along for the ride. Coming home we decided to take the loop over the Rahu Saddle and through Reefton just for a change.

I'm so glad we did. What beautiful scenery. Despite the wet weather it was an absolutely beautiful drive. A couple of times we were froced to do U turns and go back to capture views of the river. I assume (although don't know for sure) that this is a very young Inangahua River - well up towards the source.

Late lunch in Reefton then a very wet drive home.

Arriving back to a "Sebastianed" house, that I didn't bother tidying before we left, my first task was to set the rooms back to rights. Put away all the cat's toys that a little boy had played with, pull all the toy ducks out of the bath to dry put the washing back on the clothes-horse and light the fire. Now that I've blipped I'm going to unwind in my armchair with a book - and probably fall asleep.

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