World Through My Eyes

By littleartemis

Woke up this morning and it sounded like there was a tornado outside or something. Then I learnt later on there actually was tornado in West Auckland, didn't really affect us apart from loads of rain, but it was pretty close to where we live.

Was meant to do an assignment today, but I found out that it was actually due Friday instead of tomorrow. So I watched the rugby instead. Was really only keen for Ireland and USA. It was a good as game! USA really deserved their last try, would have been sad if they didn't get any at all. Was glad when Ireland one though! They are my second team after All Blacks. Am excited as for this Saturday! Going to the Australia vs Ireland game at Eden Park!

Watched bits of the South Africa and Wales game, had it playing in the background. Was going for Wales and was gutted as when they lost, and by one point as well!

It has been ten years since 9/11, thought it was incredibly touching that USA and Ireland wore black armbands during the game and had a moments silence before it. I also read that the USA team attended a memorial service in New Plymouth before the game as well.

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