The Venue PART TWO

...well, past midnight, we continued to cook and laugh and stare and say, "I can't believe this is happening". It truly didn't even seem remotely possible that everything that needed to be done could be done by 11:00 am.

The bride and groom and their wedding party had worked very hard the day before, creating magic with vines through the wire fencing and a lovely arch, cutting grass and any number of other things that go on to prepare a farm for a garden party. They were exhausted, but continued to work deep into the night, arriving at the hotel in the wee hours of the morning.

At 3am, most of us retired for a couple hours of sleep while the brides mom and grooms uncle did the final stove watch while things finished cooking. Moments later, the sun rose and we were scurrying around the old hotel, bride and groom deciding to make a dash out to the venue to see if they had completed the work, only to find it fairly unchanged, so decoration supplies were gathered up and phone calls made in a flurry...there is a change of venue, we're not sure where. No, we know where it will be, this little park by the river, bring everything there.

Now, the magic happened right in here. In a three hour span of time, the entire wedding party and guests, sprung into action, creating an absolute fairy tale ending with the bride and groom. It was something akin to the 'olden days' when caterers were not an option, and entire towns worked together to put together such a celebration. There was more love oozing out of that little park along the river than I could have imagined anywhere. We all found ourselves hugging strangers, sort of like you do when you've all been stranded on an island together. It was such relief to look into the eyes of so many amazing and wonderful people who will continue to make up the fabric of this beautiful young couple's life together.

Somewhere in the night, I remember thinking, isn't this the moment we all gather around and pray. I think I was carrying pots and pans to the car about then. By morning, I saw evidence that many prayers were lifted up and provision had been made.

...and they lived happily ever after...

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