Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Don't make life a shelf

I had this as a reading list at the start of August, I think I've read about 10 pages in total since. In my path of self-improvement for photography I have a range of recommended texts, but find that I am too giddy to shoot rather than read. It was the same for the poker books (a more costly approach!). It's rediculous, I haven't even read through the book on recovering from PVFS - and that's kind of important for me :-/

This shelf sits above my desk and I often glance up and sigh, as I know that I do not have the mental focus in order to get the real benefit from picking any of them up. There's always more pressing stuff to do, or I know that I am tired and will just skim it without actually taking it in.

Life's a bit like this - too much gets put on a shelf and things get in the way or you get distracted, preventing you from giving it your all. I think we should all take the time to take something off of our shelves now and again.

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