
Finally went to Dundee this morning. There is a site there which has taken an age to organise; digging under the floor of a kirk, the workmen disturbed a few burials which I have had to rescue, sort out and prepare for re-burial.

It was a bit of a crazy (and very dusty) day. Ross found a remarkable bit of newspaper from 1964 (when the present floor was laid) with a report from the 2nd Round of the Scottish Cup in 1964 when Dunfermline beat Fraserburgh 7 - 0, the immortal Charlie Dickson scored 5! Strange that it was the only bit of newspaper we found, and was discovered (EDIT: thanks Parsfan!) 47 years later in the presence of a Pars fan...

I finished my bit of work early, so got the train home, pausing only to photograph the Discovery (Capt Scott's ship) against the grey skies. It was slightly worrying to cross the Tay Bridge in a gale...

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