Touch the Rose Unfearful

By beana


Yes I know, this photo is very busy. But it is a perfect representation of what my mornings are like--very rushed and chaotic. As hard as I've tried, I have never been able to make myself a morning person and I suppose I never will. First of all I'm always running late, hence the unmade bed. Second, I can never decide what I'm going to wear. Because of my weight loss over the past few months I have few clothes that actually fit and look good on me so I usually change my clothes about ten times, hence the bed covered with clothes. Third, the only full body mirror in my condo is mounted on my bureau so I have to stand on my bed to get a full look at what I am wearing, hence why I am standing on my bed.

I am slowly starting to feel more comfortable here and it is all because of the people I have met. I am super blessed to have an awesome team of co-workers that makes me excited to go to work every day. One of them is my co-teacher who I have clicked very well with and had me over for dinner tonight with her and her husband and their three beautiful five-year-old girls--triplets if you didn't catch that.

I also had the chance to catch the Patriots game with some USM students and I've already made plans for just about every night this week with some new friends. I think tonight is the most "at home" I have felt since I moved here.

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