
His Lordship and I had an early excursion this morning to order some Hungarian Forints, with the result that tomorrow we should be millionaires in that currency.

I can see trouble ahead when we have to fork out thousands of Forints for two cups of coffee, such is the rate of exchange.
I imagine there will be much counting out of change and negotiation, before the waiter gets the correct amount of cash. Tempers will be frayed, mark my words.

Thereafter it was a walk on the wild side with the strong winds still in evidence.
At one spot, his Lordship thought to pit himself against nature by unhooking from on high a very large cherry tree branch which had broken off and was blocking our path.
Nature won and it stayed put. We walked round it, he possibly humbled by his failure in what was always going to be an unequal struggle.

Now as I eat my meagre lunch, I'm watching two window cleaners outside the building battle with a brush on top of a pole long enough to reach up 4 high storeys and which bends alarmingly in the best of conditions, but needs 2 pairs of hands and bodily contortions to control it in the wind.
The pole vault is nothing compared to this feat.

It's vegetarian haggis for supper tonight and since turnips don't seem to have made an appearance yet, carrots will have to suffice as the accompanying vegetable.

Since they were not at all photogenic, I blipped these healthy looking sybies, sitting next to them on the shelf. The name 'spring onion' at this time of year seems to be a misnomer so I'll go for the Scottish name.

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