Salvage or Hunger?

As mentioned yesterday evening, I had time for a photo walk around Belfast today. I met up with fellow work colleague, Twitterer and Flickr member, Jim and we set off. Between coffee stops, dodging the rain and a few little jobs I had to do, I got a few decent shots.
This one was taken off Botanic Avenue where many of Belfast's Roma community reside. It's a bit of a sad sight, but enough of the gritty realism; here are a few of my other favourites from today:

Danielle - Danielle agreed to pose but stood behind a pillar in case anyone in the street saw her. She giggled throughout with nerves but we managed to put together a few shots.

Sister Golden Hair Surprise - shot from a distance outside Queens Uni. The title are words from a '70s America album (showing my age there!)

The Art of Conversation - some taciturn tourists in Belfast's Ulster Museum

The Rest.

I've been REALLY poor at commenting this week - I will do better!

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