Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

Hand made necklace

A gift for the birthday girl from one of the tinies who was at the birthday weekend.

It was a really lovely weekend - a real varied mix of De's family and friends from a variety of backgrounds. The great thing was that everyone chipped in to make it special - not by throwing money at the event but by bringing their talents, food, drink, 'stuff' like fairy lights and lanterns, musical instruments etc - and leaving egos and tantrums at the gate. A great way to celebrate a birthday. It was like being at our own music festival!

In the next field to ours was another party of people celebrating a significant birthday. They were all dressed as what I thought were bears but were, in fact, monkeys. Of course we invited them to join us.

My ukelele version of 'Happy Birthday' is more like a waltz but not bad considering the short time I've been - ahem - twanging playing.

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