give us this day...

...our daily bread

this little guy was not sharing... at all! he found half a piece of bread on the ground - and ran like a mad squirrel... there were at least 3 others within spitting distance of him but it didn't matter... up the tree he went thinking he was in hiding from probbing eyes. he didn't realize i was on stalk-patrol - slinking around... (well, okay... more like a hobble, hobble - shuffle thingy because of my ankle; believe me, there was nothing graceful in my movements although in my head i was the picture of a finely oiled machine) but his eyes followed my every move - suspicion reflecting in his body but hungry greed winning out causing him to remain glued in place... i reassured him i wasn't after the bread - simply a few pictures...

he obliged...

isn't it funny how we guard our supply? we get very protective... wanting to make sure we have enough - especially in these lean days... i believe it's important to learn the value of sharing as well - the blessing contained in giving to others when you can... for we will always have enough, that's a part of the joy in helping each other - when you give, you get back... in abundance... you just need to reach out and not be afraid... not let the greed take over... not be stingy, even when you believe you have very little - you really have very much... i have learned no one asks for a lot - no one really asks for anything - it just takes me to offer up a tiny bit... and what i get back is tenfold and

so makes for a

happy day.....

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