
By mattleach

Gok Rehersals

I had to go into Birmingham today for work and had a great day! Everything I needed to do went smoothly and easily, I even managed a little retail therapy and got a shirt for the party at the weekend. The first one I saw fitted, job done!

I was a bit gutted because I had the perfect chance to start my 100 strangers project with a funky looking , chatty shop assistant but yet again my nerves got the better of me and I bottled it!

They were holding rehearsals for some Gok Wan channel 4 show in the Bullring. Some presenters were looking to interview obsessive shoppers, shame Mrs L. wasn't available, she may have got her fifteen minutes of fame!

Will was meant to start football after school tonight but came home with a 'pulled muscle' from dinnertime. In other words he decided he didn't want to do it. I don't know what's up with him and football. He doesn't seem interested in it any more but still wants to be a part of his Sunday league team. The problem is he's falling behind because he doesn't 'live' the game like the other boys in the team?

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