Swings 'n' roundabouts

By LincDispImgs

For those of you watching in Black & White ..

Sunflowers & poppies .. my two favourite flowers .. might be an odd thing for a chap to come out with, but there we go .. I have said it and I dont care who heard me !

The poppy flowering season has now long gone, the heads having drooped and gone to seed ready for next year .. but for some reason I still have a sunflower trying to flower.

Now before any of you that have read yesterdays post say "hang on, you said you only had one sunflower" .. yes, you are right .. i did. But in my defence, this little fella has been sooooo slow at doing anything I didnt really think he was worthy of a mention ... 1,2,3 .. Ahhhhhh !

But, ok, I collected my new 100mm L series Macro lense today so while wondering around my estate ( back garden ) I wondered how the diddy sunflower would fair at the business end of £1000 of lense .. and this, is, in my humble opinion .. a stunning result. Owing mainly to the quality of the lense & the textural quality of the subject thsi image i think is one of my best .. and in black and white too .. rare for an image of a sunflower !

Thats it .. no more sunflowers, x my heart !


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