my crazy world

By crazyworld

a new me....

this arrived today.... I had ordered it ages ago and had forgotten all about it...

now dont get me wrong I am not going to turn into a minimalist!!... ask anyone who has seen my house !!... its full of little trinkets and pictures and momentos!!... but I keep everything so it would be good to cut down on some stuff..

so to start with I have now got a huge pile of "stuff" which Im going to sell at a car boot on Sunday... need the space... and the money so win.. win...

this book is about "stuff" in your head too which I could do with getting rid of... its all about appreciating what you have and "having enough"...

I am really happy with my life... I just need to get rid of some "stuff" and everything will be fab....

just another thing... I ran Noah a bath tonight he took his clothes off and there is what looks like a massive burn mark all up his arm... I asked him what he had done and he said he had sucked his arm... all the blood vessels have come to the top... great!... just before the hospital visit.. it looks like I have been beating him up!... typical!!... dont you just love them !!...

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