a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726


This frog tried to be inconspicuous mixed in with all of the pond plants, but I spotted those big eyes right away!

He bobbed in the water, but never moved from this spot.

I finally got my haircut today, much needed!! I also got a chance to meet my hairdressers grandson, who was just one week old. He was the most handsome little baby I've seen, just beautiful! I think I am going to be photographing him next week, I'm so excited!!!!

Mixed weather today...cloudy, then pouring rain with thunder & lightning, then bright sun, now back to clouds....

Mark got a great photo on his cellphone from the 21st floor of the casino (one of the job sites he manages) of a rainbow, complete end to end! I looked everywhere hoping to catch one today, but couldn't find any here at home!

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