a town called E.

By Eej


... at the end of the tree-tunnel.

After seeing Sarah's Blip I was so inspired that I dragged the Beloved out of the house to enjoy the last rays of sunshine. Even though he's tired with a long night of work still ahead of him, he humoured me.
And even though I had a nice ladybug macro from earlier this is what I wanted today to be about. (Plus, all the corn that looked so good on my little screen failed to impress me on the big one.)

See that little bit of light all the way at the end? That's the hope my boy might be going back to second shift next week, which would mean no more lonely nights with only the sharpest knife in the house and a flashlight that can bash someones skull in to keep me company.
And ofcourse my 5 armed and dangerous guard-cats.

Fingers crossed.

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