Wisdom Begins In Wonder

By bobzilla

Speak Out With Your Geek Out Day 5 #speakgeek

We made it to day five of Speak Out With Your Geek Out. Normal services will resume tomorrow. I lost a huge entry when it timed out when I tried to publish this so I'll keep it short.

Dungeons and Dragons, to me at least, defines being a geek.

Looking back over the years I can see exactly where it made being an undiagnosed dyslexic bearable. The attention to detail needed to run games and the habits you pick up of note taking and constantly writing ideas down got me through school. When I stopped playing as much over the last ten years or so I could see I was dropping the note taking routines and my processing speed was going down as well as I stopped crunching numbers in my head or reading new rule sets.

Aside from the benefits I seemed to have picked up I just love the games. I love being able to let my imagination run and to get a buzz from it without getting bogged down in the problems of a dyslexic writing a novel or being limited by a writer or film makers own imagination. I love the social interaction around a gaming table. I love meeting new people through a shared hobby. I love the fact I've managed to get my name in the credits section of a book because of it all.

I think off all my geek 'things' over the last few days this one definitely deserves to be in the number one spot. :)

One disaster though. In the recent house move I've lost all my dice! :(

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