Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic

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Worked from home today, got loads done with no interruptions or distractions but didn't get out of the house to take any possible blips!

We were thinking of going to see Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy tonight and maybe getting something to eat out but lethargy & inertia got the better of us so we've postponed that till tomorrow instead.

So it was out for a quick take-away instead, which is where I saw this sign - could do with them all the way down the high street in King's Heath which I drive through on the way home when I've been in the office - kamikaze pedestrians are everywhere!

Rugby weekend ahead, lots of Rugby World Cup 2011 action with 6 games on TV on Saturday & Sunday - plus coverage of the Worcester Warriors game on Sky. I'd like both England and Worcester to win please!

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