Once a Day in the West

By thatpowanwoman

Day 21 - Pretty Pattern

Day 21 of the challenge - Pretty Pattern. You can find it here - the Challenge

Not quite a pattern as such and not what I'd envisaged! However, we discovered this amazing fungus in the polytunnel and I thought the curves made very pretty patterns. This is orange peel fungus (Aleuria aurantia) and what I didn't notice when I photographed it was the myriad of spider webs inside the cups of the fungus. It's very pretty and apparently edible though not very tasty. Not being a huge fan of funghi I am quite happy to admire it's stunning colours and beautiful curves!

Also doing this challenge

Anyone else doing it, let me know and I'll post your link!!

This challenge is being tagged as 'photo challenge 082011' for easy searching.

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