Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

To Be As They Are

"Seek not that the things which happen should happen as you wish; but wish the things which happen to be as they are, and you will have a tranquil flow of life."

- Epictetus (Greek philosopher associated with the Stoics, AD 55-c.135)

I had a gardening afternoon today. I determined to remove some wattles which have been crowding other things - and putting pollen in the air ... to be carried on the breeze. Pollen in the air ... and it really makes me sneeze ...


When I went in after a couple of them I found a little spot which with some clearing would make a lovely little place to sit. There's a low stump where we had a dead tree removed last year, surrounded by trees, shrubs, and bromeliads. It turned out really nice, and the kids seem to really like it. As well as this shot, I've uploaded a bunch of others - including a B&W version of this one - to my Picasa.

Using the ever-trusty Filterstorm, I desaturated this a touch, raised the contrast everywhere except their faces - which I also brightened slightly.

I'm also rather taken with the quote I found to accompany this tranquil place - which I think is very wise indeed.

Lumix DMC-G10 : f/5.60 : 1/100" : 33mm : ISO 100

Large version here.

Uploaded with Blipfoto iPhone app

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