Down in the Dip

By DownintheDip

Competitive Cakes

It is my son's 13th birthday today. This year there were big changes.
First of all, we had no kiddie party. No hoards of boys turning the house upside down, no cups of juice being spilt down the couch, or sweetie wrappers left blowing around the garden. Instead we are all going out to the civilised cinema and for a meal this evening.
But by far the gravest of changes concerns the cake. Until now, in our house I have been queen of the birthday cakes. Every year I plan , bake and decorate cakes of all shapes, sizes and flavours for the birthdays of household inhabitants.
During the summer two of my daughters began to bake. Since then, I have regularly been eating, gingerbread men, chocolate chip cookies, fairy cakes, shortbread, meringues, flapjacks and other interesting sweet things that have no precise names. But they have never made a cake, a large, round, whole, in one piece cake ...... until today.
They made my son a lemon drizzle (plus melted chocolate coating) cake. It was amazing, moist and zingy. I have just eaten a huge slice and am fit to burst. Around the table all was going well until there were calls for my retirement, that it was now time to lay down my wooden spoon to make way for the new generation. I am not sure that I am ready to give up my title and I won't go down without a fight. We will have to wait until November for the next round, although I think I know already who will win out as you don't normally bake your own birthday cake.

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