Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Poss-Stick & Dolly tubs.

No it's not another of my outlandish oaths, like ooh BOLLARDS! or Oh, TROSSACHS! and the like.

Though it might as well be. Up until lunch/dinner-time, dependent upon one's broughtings up, I was seriously wondering if I'd find Noah in yellow Pages, Gaffer was panicking about having to swim downtown to capture a chicken for tomorrow.

Then it stopped and since then you could nearly have dried a load of washing, which brings me, cunningly to the title.

We used to call one of these either a ''Poss'' or a ''Poss-Stick'', it was used in conjunction with a ''Dolly-Tub''

Why is it here? Like a pprize pprat, one forgot one's camera again, I really must have it Superglued© on one of these days.

Anyway, got there, got chicken, had brew, got back, all in the dry and then started poddling around God's Micro-acre, like that well known bear which went over the mountain, just to ''see what I could see''. I found this relic lurking and thought... ''What the hell? Why not?''

On the left... As I found it.
On the right... A hint as to what it could look like.

Verily is it said...''They don't make 'em like that any more.'' I'm surprised it hasn't been nicked for the copper content.

1. Did you know that if your shoes are bigger than size 8 (Brit), one on top of t'other they will be taller than a Dolly tub?
2. There's a Laundret (Illustration for the furriners) in town called ''The Dolly Tub''.

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