Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Standing to attention

I love the way that corn on cobs are all squashed together in rows - they almost look as though they are standing to attention. I bet you are wondering just how exciting my blips are going to get - a rock yesterday and a corn on the cob today! Maybe it'll be a blade of grass tomorrow??? Watch this space!

We waited this morning for a plumber to come and replace our kitchen tap - he texted to say he couldn't make it. Why he didn't text last night before we'd hubby had emptied the cupboard out and we'd got up early, I do not know. Let's just say I was a bit cross.

I then cleaned the cupboard and the bin out (I really know how to live it up don't I?!), went food shopping and then we visited my dad. The weather was a lot better than was forecast so not a bad day really (except for the plumber no-show).

I hope the weather stays dry as I'm watching my middle son play footy tomorrow. Enjoy Sunday everyone.

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