a life in photos

By fernridge


See yesterday's entry for the lead up story to this one....

Mr H rode Larry in the show, they had a blast and enjoyed themselves immensely, no major ribbons, but a ribbon in every class.

Mr H kindly let his sister Miss B, use Larry for the showmanship class - not the same one he was in, but one which consisted mostly of adults... and the result was the RED ribbon!

Miss B also decided she was brave enough to RIDE Larry by herself, in the big arena with other people in there as well, and did the walk/job trail class - also a class of mostly adults. Larry had done ONE trail before EVER, and that was 15mins earlier with Mr H.... so Miss B"s trail was HIS second, and her FIRST... Larry was a perfect angel, did everything she asked, they did a lovely trail, and fniished third in a class of 11. She is VERY proud of her efforts for the day.

I should mention that Miss B does not normally ride Larry, she sits on him and walks around the paddock a bit, and maybe a little jog, but that's about it. So, for her to do a full trail, with pattern to remember which includes bridge, gates, poles, cones etc, was a big deal.

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