Sunrise in the west of Edinburgh

The early rise crew enjoy crossing through a golf club with one of the most stunning skies I have seen for a very long time. It is a pity that said crew was unable to stop the car as I would have been in contravetnion of some law. As I arrived at the office shortly before 7am, the sky was likewise stunning, unfortunately I had but my phone with me.

For after the weekend comes the busy week, as autumn follows summer, and we have come to an end of our latest chosen series one which was recommended very highly and which many people reckon is only 6 years old, indeed it is. Ah the lives of funeral directors will thankfully no longer dominate our screens for a long time. It was a brilliant series, touching on all aspects of the human condition, made me want to play guitar, write, read, paint and draw. Sign of an inspiring show.

Highlight of the day - the complicity with eldest daughter who sussed out I had got some flowers for Madame.


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