Club 107

By club107

Crumbling under the pressure

The aftermath of Day 2 of my first two day series of consecutive nights out for a very long time went as well as I could have expected. I've never been a mega drinker but today, invited to yet another social engagement, a friend's thifty something birthday, it seemed wise to have no alcohol. I wasn't so much nursing a mega hangover it is simply a case of being to old to do this going out malarkey or perhaps just not being young enough.

Had many plans for today but they were not going to be fulfilled apart from some key events, said birthday, which was nice, caught up with many people, tidied and repaired a bit of furniture and paved the way for us to go and see the seventh Harry Potter film, watching the Half Blood Prince with eldest. Supposed to be a 12 but she wasn't overly scared at all.

Had a nap in the afternoon, so wiped out. Madame made the best bramble and apple crumble I have tasted for a very long time.


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