One Day Like This

By sennema

Somewhere beyond the Schie...

...this van was there all summer, but not waiting for me. It's an ice cream van and it produces some kind of cheerful melody, which has actually been kind of frustrating. It's only a stone's throw away, but there is this canal in between so I could never be in time to get an ice-cream (or a Blip) out of it.

Now at the end of summer it's still here and finally it was within my reach! Well, Blipwise then. I received my new zoom lens today and this was one of the first shots I made with it. Not entirely satisfied (although ms Photographisation here taught me never to apologize for a Blip. So I'm not apologizing for the pathetic attempt at making something out of it by using b/w with color accents. (I guess I just did apologize for that, sorry...)

Hope this lens will widen (or narrow, literally) my photography horizon. At least it bought the ice cream a bit closer without having to worry about what it does to my figure...

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