
By Appreciation

Ambient Light

Outside tonight looking at Ambient Light. Looking for the light, then the composition, the flash positioning and then placing the model.

I seemed to engage more with this. I think because I didn't have to imagine how it could transfer from the studio to the outside. It was certainly very interesting. Unfortunately by the time I was taking shots the light had faded dramatically and whilst we were still very able to take shots using the flash, my camera was having difficulty focussing and I didn't have my glasses to do it manually. So this shot is not as sharp as it could be. Thanks to 'George' for stepping in to model. Does that sound like an excuse? Practice is definately needed.

In other excitement today, my mother, who has never been further than Edinburgh on a bus on her own before, has gone to the big city to visit a friend. My nerves jangled for most of the morning until I knew she had arrived safely. She has had a wonderful day and I have just said goodnight to her. It feels very like a role reversal and I am working on controlling my concerns. This is a huge step for her and I am very proud of her for taking it.

Also, should anyone offer you a jar of damson jam, take it and relish it's delights, for it is one of the tastiest jams I know. However, should someone offer you damsons to make you own jam, politely decline. It is the most time consuming jam to make and leaves me in a state of despair at the many, many stones that rose to the top and I picked out - NOT - I had to manipulate them by hand. Still does taste very lovely. I'm having it for breakfast over some yoghurt.

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