Still Alive

By rinkkasatiainen

The conference and a wedding

back-blipped on Sep 21st 2011

The talk at the conference with topic: 'The (hitch)hiker's guide to agile leadership - or how to lead in a real agile environment"

Some liked, for others it was too abstract.

For some it was inspiring and touchy.

After the talk I had to rush to my car and to Helsinki (Sorry mjheikkila for me rushing from the discussion). I did have just enough time to run to my parents and change clothes.

We were at the church some 5 minutes before the start of the weddings.

Lovely time at the restaurant. I felt so free - we together without the little princess. For the first time in almost two years.

Did meet a lot of lovely people there. And had a lot of fun.

Decided to visit one of them in Sodankylä one day. And to take a busload of people with me. Be aware!

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