Jack James

By JackJames

Wednesday - Wee Red Bar

Today was spend in the normal fashion - taking nots in lectures, more as a way of keeping awake than any tool of learning.

I then had a 3 hour interview for my student union - with 50 other people, comprised of 'team-building' exercises and 'speed interviews'. While not to stressful, I had only had an egg and toast the whole day and was running purely on caffeine, and so had to keep my hands from visibly shaking, and almost blacking out if I got up to quickly. After being told that we'd hear back from them within 2 weeks, I got home to an email saying that I'd go the job! Got 4 hours of bar training on Friday - hopefully paid.

In the evening I went to the Wee Red Bar, at the Edinburgh Collage of Art. There was an evening on to celebrate the life of Ella McDaniel, the best friend of my girlfriend who lost the fight against cancer on the 24th July. It was an amazing night - many, many people turned up to party in her memory, with over £500 raised for Macmillan cancer support.

The photo shows the band Blank Canvas, who did a really lovely set of acoustic covers and a few of their own tracks, followed by a DJ set by my friend and Ella's flatmate Duncan.

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