What eye see

By francistaylor

Back in the gym.. First post-diet legs workout.

Since the diet, I have gained a lot of muscle mass and strength. This is due to filling up on carbs over the last week (known as a 'rebound'). My training philosophy and goals have changed, I am now not so focused on burning fat and cutting, but more aiming to increase size and strength.. Quite simply, training heavy and eating lots of good food!

I havent trained legs for over 2 weeks now and returned today with the aim of going as heavy as I could on each exercise. My legs dont feel too sore right now but I have a sneaky suspicion that over the next two days, the aching will arrive... Not looking forward to everyday things such as sitting down on the toilet seat or using stairs....

My workout consisted of only three exercises and around 16 sets. Leg extensions, leg presses and barbell squats.

Shoulders tomorrow!

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