Still Alive

By rinkkasatiainen

Camp site. Heaven.

Waking up early. Having a really good night sleep. Feeling perfect.

Leaving towards Goahppelasjávri in the morning. Learning with the group how to read the map to find out a perfect route. Luckily we did - the straight line would've been awful. Really awful.

We ended up selecting the perfect route. Just above the rough terrain, yet seeing one beautiful crevasse. Lunch at Goahppelasjávri. Too early I thought. Too long, maybe?

Leaving the hut after 1pm towards Laskujávri. Weather was beautiful. Very windy. Sun was shining.

This is life.

Different views, similar terrain. And not hurrying at all. Yet a lot of us were tired when getting home. Why? Beats me.

* Too slow pace?
* Too early lunch?
* Feeling a bit low when seeing the lake and not knowing that we'll end up finding perfect spots for our tents?
* Wind?

Maybe all those together.

When we arrived to the lake we left the bags on the shore and walked around the lake to find the perfect spot. We did.

Someone turned off the wind during the evening. Going to a swim on a very warm weather with no wind at all. Beautiful. Going for an evening stroll to see what's around us.

Enjoying the setting sun.

Looking at the clouds and letting our imagination fly.

Note. Utsjoki was the warmest place in the whole Finland today!

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