Still Alive

By rinkkasatiainen

Fun at Paistunturit

Fell asleep soon after midnight.

Waking up early. The girls taking a morning swim. Even Leena - leaving 'granma' home. Well, she did hear about that mistake.

Again a day trip - me and Leena carrying our big bags. Heading north east of Loktaoaivi towards Birkejohka and Oro?oaivi. Having fun while trying to take a jump pictures. Did not succeed with whole group.

A rather good break at the banks of Birkejohka on sun shine and away from the wind. Me trying to find a decent route cross the river. The widest so far.

When crossing the river I did not have my poles (had gave them away for the time being). That made me almost lose my balance. Luckily I did not. Leena was leading the group and helping the first members, I took my place from the middle.

The last meter was the hardest. And there would've been a much better spot only 4meters downstream. Well, at least I knew where to start the crossing on our way back.

Then it happened. My learning. The mistakes I made two days before surfaced today. The thing I thought yesterday - making us all to want to walk as a group, together. You know, the little magic tricks we do!

On our way up I had to twice blow to the whistle and stop the anxious hikers from running too far. And then I had to say: "no more."

That wasn't necessary, had I only done my duties the previous days. Me learning. And learning a lot.
But I had to do it. The wind was very, very severe and it made the weather really cold in the saddle. Thus, I had to take the lead, again, and guide us to calmer weather. So we went to a nearby lake (lower Rohttojávri) for a lunch.

Lovely place. Yet feeling sad. Hoping that I did not spoil the good spirit we had.

The way back to Loktajávri took a split of a second. We almost rushed to Birkejohka (walking downwards is fast without any bags). A break at the river and then uphill towards home.

Most of the people decided to take another route to our tents - they walked around the lake. I and gran'pa took the straight route. Me not wanting to walk any longer on the windy weather than was necessary. Feeling still a bit weak.

Who said these three sentences (almost in a row):
"I've lost my voice because of my inhalator."
"The sun is making my forehead this warm."
"I cough because I don't use my inhalator."
No, I wasn't sick at all.

Bed early. Around 9. And sleeping 'til morning. Yet getting up when the other arrived - and saying g'night to others.

Sleeping really well.

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