
By DaveyTrain

They're Back!

They came back today to do a spot of concreting!

And they brought friends!

This is obviously a big event!

Larry is straight into it. This is where Larry shines! The trowel is out and just look at that finish.

Curly has a shovel today. Just look at that angle he's holding it, with the dangerous bit pointed down out of harms way. That is a sign of a thinking man.

Moe is not here today. He was either called to another urgent job, such as re-seating a drain cover or, it was his recovery day.

Stepping for Moe today is Harpo. He is obviously a concreting specialist. As soon as the pour allowed him to, he fell straight in and followed it with the scree. I'm not sure how Larry felt about this as it undid some of his lovely trowel work.

This well oiled machine quickly attracted attention. The gentleman in the black coat was so impressed, he stood there and watched the entire pour. I couldn't see the look on his face, but by the way he never once rested his shopping bags, it must have been rapture!

Fortunately, this gentleman went into his trance like state directly against the mighty concrete saw: it kept him out of the way of the pedestrians who were strolling through the worksite who would have been full of admiration as well.

This afternoon, after standing around proudly for a while watching the completed job harden, they were gone.

I will be forever remember how easy they made this complex job appear.

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