A Spin Of The Wheel

By gofer1971

Sarah gigging

Haven't been around lately. Just too busy or too tired this week so blipping took a back seat. I'll do the old comments stuff in the next day or two.

Tonight, I went along to see my pal Sarah gigging in Stirling, and she asked for me to take some pics. She was supporting a band called Cal - a Scots-Rock band. Turned out I took some for them too! In total I took almost 300 pics tonight.

Now I realise how amatuer a photographer I am. I've got loads to learn. 300 shots and probably 30 of them usable. But I've learned loads tonight, none more so than to stop faffing about with my camera and actually learn how to use the damn thing properly!

Don't get me wrong, faffing around is fun, but really only for your more or less standard pics. Not a music venue with a dark hall, flashy lights, fog machines and a band going apeshit on stage! (The fog was causing me a right royal pain in the arse as it meant I couldn't use a flash. But it forced me to use my manual settings more than I've ever done.

But it was good experience and a good gig into the bargain.Hope I get some more to do!

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