Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Trapped in a web

Backblip 1

I saw this beautiful web this morning catching the sunlight but couldn't quite get that perfect angle - cobweb photography continues to elude me but as they say - practise makes perfect so I will continue to photograph them until I get one I'm happy with.

I had my gym induction this morning which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be considering it's about 4 years since I've been. After a quick introduction to most of the equipment I went back on the bike, rowing machine, cross trainer, running machine and some weights. Well, the cross trainer was a joke - I managed about 2 minutes before I thought I was going to die! The running machine - I walked (fast!) on that for about 20 mins (up a hill) and then needed a change of scenery. After all that walking, (1 mile) I'd only burnt about 90 calories - unbelievable. I did a good 20 mins on the bike, and about 100 calories - my bum was sore and my thighs tingling when I'd finished on there so it obviously did some good. The rowing machine was fun but I could only manage about 5 mins on that. Sorry to bore you with the details, this is more for my records so I can look back in several months time when I'm ready to tackle my first marathon (!!) and see how rubbish I was!

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