Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

A Lazy Saturday ...

Even though I had no alarm set up for the morning, I woke up at 7:30 am; something I had not wanted. I was planning on sleeping late for a change. Anyhow, I did zumba and a nice breakfast after which I sorted out a few things regarding my embroidery project.

The afternoon was spent sleeping again. I was woken up by my mom's voice telling me to get up as my cousin Hilal is here to see me. He is my paternal cousin and has recently completed his A-Levels. He is learning Karate, Horse riding and how to play a flute. He is also starting university this year and guess which University he is joining? :-)

I finished The Secret Life of Bees last night. Now, I am streaming the movie so that I can watch it tonight. I am looking forward to it.

P.S. I finished The Story of my life by Helen Keller many days ago but had not mentioned here.

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