Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie


Just what is the point of this? This morning Ann was just about to put my poo in this bin when she realised that the bin no longer had a top because some mindless vandal had burnt it off. We spoke to another dog walker who said that her neighbour had to call the fire brigade to put out the fire. Do the yobos that do this not realise that their two mins of satisfaction, of seeing a bin burning, is seriously jepodising the lives of people that may need the fire brigade for a serious emergency??? It really makes me mad.

................OK rant over.

PS - Ann thinks I'm looking a bit podgy in this blip. I've heard the word 'diet' mentioned ............................ but personally I think it's just the way I'm sitting. As I'm sure you'll all agree I normally look like a mean, lean sex machine (or at the very least - a gorgeous collie??!!).

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