
By cowgirl

Cousin It?

Spent most of the day in the kitchen whilst Sav slept off his nightshift. Have made another batch of apple chutney which I'm intending to use as gifts at Christmas ( yes, I know, I'm Jewish, but my friends and family over here aren't! I'll be using apples for Rosh Hashana on Wed too ).

It's good to be in the kitchen in the afternoons as the sun shines at the front of the house for more of the day than at the back, where the lounge and garden is. When looking for a property to buy I'll be keeping thses little points in mind. Anyway, once my eyes had recovered from the onion attack and I was able to see again, I noticed that several clumps of different fungi had popped up on the green infront of the house overnight. This was my favourite looking one, which I think is Coprinus comatus, Shaggy Ink Cap or Lawyers Wig. Apparantly it's edible, but I'm not going to chance it!

Had a fab afternoon with Johnnie, but it's nearly 5 o'clock and his Sounds Of The 70's is almost over and I want to get on with dinner as Sav has to leave about 6ish tonight for another week away. Just me, 2 fish, 2 guinea pigs and 2 cats - it's getting like Noah's Ark in here!

Shavua Tov L'Culam! ( wishing everyone a good week )

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