This, That And the Other

By Kersting

Bob and Cecil...

Ok... so there is a story behind Bob and Cecil. They are ceramic frogs that my grandmother painted back in 78 and gave them to my dad. One day when we were cleaning the mess out of the basement I saw them in a box and asked my dad for them. He told me no... but I got my way in the end. My parents had brought them up for me when they came for a visit and my dad said that they were on loan and if they got broke then I'm a dead kid.

Anyways my dad was telling me about how my grandmother used to call them Bob and Earl but I decided to rename the one to Cecil. Bob and Cecil are the names of two of my Great-Uncles on my dad's side of the family.

Anyways the rest of the story at why Cecil looks like he is made. I came up with this story about how they were ridding on a pony and Bob farted and thought it was funny and Cecil got upset because the fart smelled so bad.

Oh yes and before I forget happy 23rd birthday to me!!!

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