The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Raft spider


Dolomedes fimbriatus on a bog pool at Roudsea Wood & Mosses National Nature Reserve, South Cumbria

This is the commoner of the two Dolomedes Raft Spiders found in Britain. Its larger cousin, the Fen Raft Spider is the largest spider species in Europe. This individual was not small, with a legspan of about 3 cm. It hunts both on the water and beneath it. I've never seen one dive, but the first one that Matt found did when he poked his lens within a few cms of it. Fortunately we found some more on a bog pool nearby.

We went to Roudsea for a wander round as I haven't been for a couple of years. This is one of the most diverse National Nature Reserves in Britain with a huge range of habitats. There is an extensive area of raised bog that gives way to woodland on limestone, there is a sharp transition from the limestone woodlands to acid oak woodland as the underlying geology suddenly changes to Silurian acid rocks. Then there is a transition through reedbed into saltmarsh and mudflats. In between there is a whole range of fen and open water habitats. If I lived within walking distance, I would never want for a natural history blip on any day of the year.

This afternoon was the reckoning and prize giving for the Arnside & Silverdale Photographic Competition. It generated a lot of interest, and there were a lot of votes across the nine categories. I had been successful in having 8 photos shortlisted in six of the categories. Alas, though, as I suspected yesterday, I didn't win any categories, picking up three third places and one second. I did have some very encouraging comments afterwards from one of the judges, and was given 18 months free membership of the Trust. As I said yesterday, it has been a good learning experience to see what works well and less well when digital images are printed. I shall keep plugging away.

My friends and fellow blippers Today's the Day and Willllwynbedw were at the exhibition to provide some moral support. Thank you Sheila and Will! Thank you to to all my blip friends for your encouraging comments.

ps A year ago - worth a look. A bit different to my usual fare, but one of those unusual ironic moments that had to be shared.

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