Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Meadow maintenance

Today I went along to a work day with the Water of Leith Conservation Trust. At Bell's Mill Weir there is an area that they have been maintaining as a wildflower meadow for the last couple of years. The thistles, docks and those riverside plants that look like rhubarb prevail but they are getting less each year.

First task was to hack back all the vegetation. My weapon of choice was the Slasher - a big blade on a heavy pole that was swung from over the shoulder down across the base of the vegetation. The weight of it does the hard work but equally, its weight gives a good work out too!

Then we needed to rake up so the strimmer could be taken across the area. More hard work for the arms and back but that's what I love. Following strimming it was another rake to get it as close to bare ground as possible. All the cuttings needed to be removed as well so that they wouldn't rot down feeding the nettles and thistles and other non-meadow plants.

After a break for lunch we moved on to the planting. I've realised that a "bulb planter" is a very useful tool, especially on firm ground that is full of plant roots!

I was enjoying the work so much that I forgot to get my camera out so I just had time to fire off a couple of shots of the river before leaving. If you're past Bell's Mill Weir next summer, be sure to have a look and admire the flowers.

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