
"I want to talk Grandad!"

In the cafe, eating an icecream.

I realised today that I'd left my spare insulin pens at home. D'oh. So had to ask dad to get them and post them to me. So he phoned to make sure he was getting the right things to post, and Ben realised who it was and wanted to speak to him! Sounded like they had an almost normal conversation - i.e. one that went both ways rather than Ben not actually responding to questions but just talking!

Slow day today but at least I haven't been grumpy through tiredness. Ben was up not long after 8am, he decided he wanted to go for a wee. The potty had been installed upstairs in the loo, so off he went. I told him he'd need to give the toilet door a push to open it. I heard the door open.... and I heard the door close again... and the potty scrape over the floor... and I suddenly wondered if he'd be able to get himself out of the room. So I had to get up. I found him on the the landing having evidently managed to get out of the loo, saying Grandma was still asleep. So he came with me while I went to the loo and washed our hands and by that time Grandma was awake and downstairs making a cup of tea so Ben was very happy :)

Breakfast, shower, cup of tea, thinking about lunch, another cup of tea, and I hit the Tired Wall. Mum went out food shopping, I stuck cbeebies on for Ben, and went back to bed! The smell of toasted ciabatta and cooking bacon brought me round though and mmmmm it was worth it.

We've since been back out for grapefruit which we forgot to put on the list, and babygros which I've decided I need to get some of so Baby at least doesn't go naked in the hospital when he's born in a couple months' time. Except we didn't get any at the local tesco (other supermarkets available) so decided to go for a drive to a bigger store.

The trauma I put us through just for grapefruit and babygros!! Ben was knackered by the time we'd got halfway round the second bigger supermarket and cried when it was time to go home because he wanted cuddles because he was so tired, and fell asleep almost immediately we set off. And that was 5.45pm and he's been asleep since. I tried to wake him up for dinner by closing the curtains in our bedroom but he just told me off mumbling something about "don't" and rolled over and went back to sleep...

So I think I'll have a chat to my hubby and then attempt to get Ben into pyjamas and maybe give him some cereal and then go to bed.... especially as I suspect an early start tomorrow.....

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