Gone bush, the winding track....

Doug was much better this morning thankfully, and thanks for all your caring comments.

Son Aidan asked if we would like to go up into the Hervey Ranges out back of Townsville, we jumped at the opportunity. Travelled through barren country with spindly trees, there have been lots of bush fires over recent times, infact one was still smoking as we drove through.....once the wet season comes (Dec/Jan/Feb/March) it will regenerate and become green again. At the moment the undergrowth is golden and dry dry dry.

Aidan knew I was looking for a blip and was very happy to stop, turn around, go down tracks etc (this is his choice - its the least I could do)......I took heaps of photo's and would love to show you them......I have chosen three.....these gorgeous horses and a billabong :)

Stopped off at a cafe surrounded by these trees for a early lunch, sat outside in the shade, pure bliss.

Having a cruisy afternoon, now watching Canada v Japan - it may be a close encounter.....perhaps??


PS - My froggie was a hit.....thanks :)

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